Business guru and entrepreneur Nigel Botterill often quotes statistics that only 5% of businesses are 'super successful' or doing very well, 15% are doing ok and a massive 80% are just 'getting by' or struggling.
Not a great advert for the joys of running your own business. I have no hard evidence for the validity of the statistics but leaving aside 'one person' service businesses (which tend to do well), the figures kind of ring true.
So what sets the top 5% apart? Why are they able to thrive in challenging times whilst the majority are not doing so well?
I've had a good think about the successful businesses I've worked with over the last 15 years and these are some of the attributes they show:
1. Review and adapting to change
The best businesses are continuously reviewing their effectiveness and adapting to changing circumstances. They hate complacency and being comfortable and are always striving to get better
2. Focus
They have a core offering which is the essence of their business. Most of the business resources are deployed into making this core offering as attractive as possible. They might diversify but not at the expense of the core business.
3. Business owner freedom
The business owner is released from some of the 'day to day' grind and is able to focus on customer care and team and business development
4. Processes and roles
The business has clear processes and routines for sales and marketing, production and finance and job roles are also clear. Basic stuff gets done well, over and over again.
5. Pricing
Getting this right is key. Price too low and your business will never make money. There will be a constant battle to cover overheads and manage cashflow. An uncomfortable place to be. Price too high and the business will stagnate. Hit the sweet spot where your pricing matches the value the customer receives and gives you a respectable profit and you are on a good path.
That's probably it in a nutshell.
Having a great product or service helps as does finding an attractive market niche. Even in a more competitive space, if you follow the above steps you are more likely to end up in the top 20% and move closer to super success