Saturday, 12 August 2017

How many businesses do you need?

Running a business can be pretty intense. But very now and then, there is a lull. Maybe it's a summertime thing? The volume of emails goes down, the phone is not ringing quite so much, there are no major issues worrying you. What next?

My tendency over the years has been to dabble with something new. Kick off that new business idea I've been thinking about but have not had the time or energy to do anything about. Being an optimist, I inevitably focus on the upside and getting started and think less about what is required to keep things going. So let's go for it. This is going to be big! 

But with me at least, it never quite turns out like that.

Inevitably the lull in your core business ends. Your intensity returns, the phone starts ringing again, issues crop up, you get stuck in and the new idea has to take second fiddle. It kind of bubbles along in the background, sometimes for several years but never reaches its potential. Eventually you kill it. It's become a drain and it's time to concentrate exclusively on the main business.

There are entrepreneurs who make a success out of starting several business and running them simultaneously. Nigel Botterill famously built up  5 (probably more now) £1m businesses within a few years. Felix Denis, the late publishing billionaire, used to start new 'baskets' for his new ideas and run these alongside his core business. Some of our clients too have had modest success with running multiple businesses side by side. 

So it might be just a failing in me that I've not been able to make this work. These days, when I get that new idea and rush of enthusiasm, I stop and think a bit more before diving in. Have I really got time for this? If I put the same effort into my main business would that deliver more benefit? 

Let me tell you about my new idea for a great on-line shop though...

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