Thursday, 11 January 2018

New year, new goals?

The start of the new year is often a time for looking back and reflecting on the last 12 months and setting new resolutions and goals for the year ahead. This is true both personally and in business

But is it really necessary or should we just plough on, doing what we have been doing, especially if things are going reasonably well?

We all know the 'gym' syndrome of lots of people signing up for annual gym membership in January after over-indulging at Christmas. The gyms are full in January and into February and then things start to taper off. By March we are wishing we had never bothered. 

Some entrepreneurs favour BHAGs or Big Hairy Audacious Goals. I'm not sure why they are hairy. The danger with BIG goals and annual gym membership is that we are setting ourselves up to fail.

But goals are important. I'm reading 'Moonwalking with Einstein' by Joshua Foer at the moment. A great book about improving your memory. He describes the 'Plateau of ok' which most of us reach when we learn a new skill. We become comfortable at this plateau and stop improving. The only way to improve is to set new goals, stay curious and learn by your mistakes, i.e. stop being comfortable. So goals are critical if we want to keep improving, whether personally or in business

Maybe I'm setting my sights too low but I favour more modest but achievable goals and not having too many of them. Telling people about your goals is another way of helping you to achieve them. So I thought I'd increase my chances of success by telling you that my modest but achievable goals are to grow sales in my business by at least 10% and to start some language classes. Nothing big or hairy about them but they motivate me and I intend to focus on making sure they happen

What are your business goals for 2018?

If you need some inspiration why not come along to Base52 Growth Club in Hitchin on 25 January? Our guest speaker is Jess Butcher MBE co-founder of Blippar which has grown into a leading tech company in just 6 years! Use this link to book your place https://www.base52/events

Good luck with achieving your goals in 2018

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