Sunday, 11 December 2011

Franchising for everyone?

I'm an avid reader of business books. In the 8 years or so I've been running my business I must have averaged about one a week. That's a lot to take in. I have to admit that I don't get to the end of every one and only a few manage to make it into my personal 'hall of fame'. High on this exclusive list is Ron Baker, the Value Pricing guru. Also on the list are Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame, Felix Dennis, Michael Denny and Julian Richer. So you can imagine my excitement (or maybe you can't?) when I heard that Michael Gerber's new book is called, 'The E-Myth Accountant'. A book by one of my favourite business authorities about my own business sector. If this doesn't appear in my Christmas stocking I think I will be treating myself to it to browse during the quieter moments of the Christmas break. A bit sad I know, but each to their own as they say.

I believe this book will highlight some differences between Mr Gerber and Ron Baker. The basic premise behind the 'E-myth' is that any business can and should be run like a franchise - standard processes and an operating manual to run the business efficiently. Ron Baker speaks of 'effectiveness' rather than efficiency and believes that professional firms should focus on developing their intellectual capital. He also advocates getting rid of timesheets and eradicating the 'billable hour'. It will be interesting to see how the E-Myth Accountant deals with these issues.

Despite the possible differences in approach I think both gurus will keep their place in my hall of fame and help to shape my business development in the coming years. The E-Myth gives a great roadmap to any business owner to move towards working on their business rather than in their business. I will still pick this up every now and then and check I am not getting too bogged down in the nitty gritty of my business. Ron Baker's message to professional service firms to develop their knowledge and deliver value to their customers is becoming more relevant as my business moves from adolescence to maturity. So there is room in my world for both Mr Gerber and Mr Baker and I'll keep looking for other business authors to add to my shortlist.

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