A recent study has found the secret of true happiness. Apparently its all about following your gut instinct, making your mind up and being satisfied with the choice you have made. People who make decisions on this basis are called 'satisficers'. At the other end of the spectrum are 'maximisers'. They agonise over decisions and are terrified of making the wrong choice. Even when they have chosen a course of action they then stress about whether they have made the right decision and waste time and energy thinking about what might have been.
So that's easy then. Follow your gut and stay happy. Yes well, but I guess that depends to an extent on how effective your 'gut' is. If your instinct is right most of the time things should work out well in the longer run. But what if it's not? It could be a downward spiral from one lousy decision to another.
My first thoughts are often a bit 'off the wall' and its only when mulled over and bounced off a few wiser counsellors that the eventual more sensible options take shape. I find that the older I get the more I dislike making poor decisions. Maybe that makes me a 'maximiser' but I don't feel unhappy or lack commitment (which is another trait of maximisers). Gut feel is also not terribly collaborative. What if your gut suggests a different path from your colleagues or workmates? Unless your persuasive skills are very strong you may end up unpopular, lonely, or both. Collaborative decision making is partly about reaching consensus but also about trying to achieve the right decision - maximising one might say? So each to their own I think. The initial 'gut feel' can often be right but there is no harm in my book with a bit of mulling, consulting and dithering before the final decision is made.
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