Most entrepreneurs don't like uncertainty. Like nature they try to fill the void and create certainty. Something they can act on and get done.
Deciding and doing something may not always be the best thing though. From time to time when a problem or opportunity arises the best thing may be to do nothing or wait and mull it over.
I'm not very good at that. Sometimes my mulling can go into overdrive and I have numerous options floating around and keeping me awake at night. First one idea comes to the top as a clear front runner and I've decided to act on it very soon. Then I'm not so sure. Idea number two fights back and is maybe not so bad after all.
This is where I look for help. Cue calm, sensible 'sounding board' type person. This could be a trusted business pal (I have several), a work collegue or more often than not, my long suffering spouse. They patiently listen to the different options and pros and cons and help me make my mind up which way to go. I end up happy and decisive. They are slightly frazzled and worn out having had to listen to my musings.
Then the mulling continues. What if Plan A is not so good after all? There was that zany option which we ruled out but maybe, just maybe that could work?
Back to trusted business pal, work colleague or spouse. 'You know that thing we were talking about the other day?' 'Yeah, the one where you decided to....'
And then you go through all the options again but explain why zany plan E has come to the top of the list.
This is where timing is critical.
If you have timed it right your sounding board will listen attentively as you go through everything again. Get this wrong and your spouse may chew your head off and trusted business pal or work colleague may rush for the broom cupboard if they think you are heading their way for another chat.
Problems, problems...