For many businesses, after the initial panic and scramble to ensure survival, lockdown has been a time of treading water.
Employees on furlough, rent holidays negotiated with landlords, non essential spending halted, loans secured. Then its been a matter of waiting for things to change.
There is still a long way to go as the Government advisors keep reminding us but lockdown is starting to ease with the re-opening of non essential retail imminent. The hospitality sector is expected to follow soon.
The ‘new normal’ means social distancing and strict hygiene measures will remain in place. Business owners and their teams have been planning how they will re-open in these circumstances.
Much of the planning will be operational - one way systems to limit contact, hand sanitiser stations, screens for employees, restricted customer flows and so on.
There are other factors to consider which may get less attention in the rush to re-open.
The biggest of these is answering the question, ‘Is your new business model viable?’
In other words, after estimating your sales and allowing for costs of your new way of working, are you making a profit?
If not, what is your ‘break-even’ level of sales?
Knowing the answer to both of these questions is critical in my opinion.
The first because it is the acid test for your recovery plan. If you are losing money to start with you need to know this and have a projection of how long losses can be sustained for.
The second is the initial target you are aiming for. Reaching break-even as soon as possible is imperative if the business is to maintain financial viability in the longer run.
I would argue that the most important aspects of financial management at this time are forecasting (of projected profits and cash flows) and regular monitoring and review.
The easing of lockdown is a time for optimism and hope.
Combining this with good financial management will increase your chances of weathering the storm until we reach calmer waters.
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Thank you for your kind comments Kristy.