Sunday, 7 June 2020

Time for reflection

One of the features of the lockdown, for most of us at least, is having more time.

Less time on commuting, socialising, shopping etc means more time for, well...whatever takes your fancy, as long as it doesn’t involve non essential travel or mingling with other households.

I’ve been working from home, doing a bit more gardening and had more time to think. 

I’m reading, ‘The Passion Economy’ by Adam Davidson and one of the chapters is about a behavioural scientist who is motivated by influencing lots of people to make positive changes in their lives. One of her techniques is to write a long list of things you are good at doing. She is evidently a person of many talents as her list took a few days to compile. I think mine will be finished much sooner.

When you have the list you then draw a circle around the things you enjoy or are passionate about. If you can make these things part of your career or your business, that’s a very good place to be.

This is not too far away from the Japanese concept of ‘Ikigai’. Broadly translated this means. ‘Reason for living’. If you can find enjoyment and purpose in your work, you will be more fulfilled and probably do a much better job.

Before starting my business 17 years ago I read, ‘What colour is your parachute’, the seminal career planning book by Richard N Bolles. This has a similar approach to helping you choose your career path if you reach a fork in the road. What are you good at? What do you enjoy and what kind of environment do you like to work in? It helped me reach a conclusion that I wanted to be my own boss and shape my own destiny.

So most of us have more time. Time to reset and reevaluate things.

I might just have a go at my list today. Not because I’m at a particular crossroads, but because I have the time and it might lead to something positive.

Who knows, a new career as a wine-maker or bee-keeper may beckon?

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